You asked, so we made it happen! A monthly subscription box with incredible, hand-selected products from independent apothecary manufacturers whose work we know you'll love. Each box is a little different and reflect a range of wonderful body care benefits.
Each box is valued at $90+ (retail) and can be purchased in the following tiers:
1 month (one time purchase): $68 per box
3 month subscription: $57.95 per box
6 month subscription: $52.95 per box
ONE YEAR subscription: $50 per box
Box shown is just an example-- every box will contain unique surprises!
HOT TIP: Even though, we have to charge for subscriptions up front, you can use Afterpay at cart checkout to break your payments into interest free installments ;)
This item is shipped directly from the maker! This means you may receive your order in multiple shipments (if you are ordering more than one item) and if it is being made-to-order, please be mindful of the designer's individually allocated lead times! We are proudly connecting our customers and the designers we love in a direct way in the hopes that we can support other small businesses in tandem with our own! Items that are shipped directly from the maker incur a shipping fee that is uniquely set by those designers, and we handle all the rest from there!